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Rogaine is a modality of orientation, long distance, cross-country navigation where teams of 2 to 5 people move on foot with the objective of achieving the maximum score by finding control points marked on a map and within a time limit specified. The control points can be visited in any order and are valued from 3 to 9 points depending on their physical and/or technical difficulty.

The maps are given to the teams between 30 minutes and 15 minutes before the start depending on the duration of the test. At that time each team must define the race strategy taking into account their capabilities.


The test will be held in the surroundings of the Boí Taüll mountain station, located in the Lleida Pyrenees, in the Alta Ribagorça region, in a unique setting, at the gates of the Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici in one of the most spectacular places in the Catalan Pyrenees thanks to the Romanesque heritage of the Vall de Boí.

The Boí Taüll ski and mountain resort has a maximum elevation of 2,751 m and a minimum elevation of 2,035 m.

Terrrain and map

High mountain terrain, mostly open and comfortable for running cross-country, with occasional elements of vegetation, rocks and cliffs. Also with some forest areas and many contour details. The slopes are generally moderate to strong. The competition will be run with a specific map of Rogaine, mapped with the specific symbology of orienteering races. Generalized field work of a Rogaine map.

It is a map at a scale of 1:15000 and equidistant 10 m, made in the spring of 2023, expanded and revised in the spring of 2024, with field work by the technical staff of La Nova Fita.

Rogaine Vall de Boí - Copa Catalana (6h)

DURATION: 9.00 h to 15.00 h (6h)
40 landmarks

  • Federated FCOC and non-federated FCOC.
  • There will be three main classifications by genre; men, women and mixed, the latter are those who have at least one man and one woman; and each gender will be divided according to the age groups established by the Catalan Championship and Rogaine Catalan Cup (see Rogaine regulation, section D5)
  • Participants under 16 years of age must be part of teams that have a component over 18 years of age.

The Rogaine Vall de Boí is part of the Catalan Rogaine Cup, and therefore its regulations are applied, which you can consult here.

Remember that the score is marked by the tens of the code of each goal and that the penalties in case of reaching the goal later than the established time are:

D’1” a 5’….-5 points
De 5’01” a 10’….-10 points
De 10’01” a 15’…. -20 points
De 15’01” a 20’…. -30 points
De 20’01” a 25’…. -40 points
De 25’01” a 30’…. -50 points


Date until 29/05/2024 23:59

Date until 25/06/2024 23:59


Date until 29/05/2024 23:59

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Rogaine Vall de Boí - People's Race (3h)

DURATION: 9.00 h to 12.00 h (3h)
25 landmarks

  • FCOC federated and non-FCOC federated.
  • Teams of two, three, four or five components.
  • There will be three main classifications by genre; men, women and mixed, the last ones are those that have at least one man and one woman.
  • Participants under 16 years of age must be part of teams that have a component over 18 years of age.

The regulations of the Catalan Sprint Rogaining League (LCER) apply, which you can consult aquí.

Remember that the score is marked by the tens of the code of each goal and that the penalties in case of reaching the goal later than the established time are:

D’1” a 5’….-5 points
De 5’01” a 10’….-10 points
De 10’01” a 15’…. -20 points
De 15’01” a 20’…. -30 points
De 20’01” a 25’…. -40 points
De 25’01” a 30’…. -50 points


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Date until 29/05/2024 23:59

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Rogaine familiar Vall de Boí (1h 30min)

10:00 to 10:30 training session by the technicians of La Nova Fita.
10:30 to 12:00 Rogaine familiar

  • FCOC federated and non-FCOC federated.
  • Teams of two, three, four or five components.
  • There will be a single final classification.
  • Participants under 16 years of age must be part of teams that have a component over 18 years of age.
  • Free registration for children under 14.


  • Chip
  • Temporary license

The regulations of the Catalan Sprint Rogaining League (LCER) apply, which you can consult aquí.

Remember that the score is marked by the tens of the code of each goal and that the penalties in case of reaching the goal later than the established time are:

D’1” a 5’….-5 points
De 5’01” a 10’….-10 points
De 10’01” a 15’…. -20 points
De 15’01” a 20’…. -30 points
De 20’01” a 25’…. -40 points
De 25’01” a 30’…. -50 points


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Date until 29/05/2024 23:59

Date until 25/06/2024 23:59


El cronometraje se realizará con sistema SportIdent (SI). Quien no tenga tarjeta SI, podrá alquilarla a un precio de 3 euros (y dejar una fianza de 50€ al recogerla el día de la prueba).
Comprueba aquí si tu modelo de tarjeta SI tiene suficiente memoria para esta prueba.
La tarjeta SI deberá llevarla fijada en la muñeca durante toda la carrera, con un brazalete irrompible (que dará la organización cuando recoja la bolsa del corredor).
El precinto será retirado exclusivamente por los miembros de la organización al llegar a meta.

Material obligatorio
  • Botiquín de socorro que contenga:
    • 2 monodosis de suero fisiológico.
    • 2 compresas estériles.
    • 2 apósitos estériles para heridas y rascadas.
    • Analgésicos.
    • Esparadrapo.
    • Venda elástica.
    • Puntos de sutura rápida.
  • Móvil encendido con bateria cargada al inicio.
  • Mochila
  • Chaqueta impermeable con capucha. Gore-Tex o similar.
  • Manta térmica o de supervivencia (min. 1,4 x 2m).
  • Mapa entregado por la organización.
  • Tarjeta SportIdent (propio o alquiler que se puede solicitar al realizar la inscripción).
  • Silbato (en caso de emergencia el corredor deberá hacer una serie de silbidos cortos para advertir a los demás participantes).
  • Sistema de hidratación (min. 1l).
  • Reserva alimentaria: geles, barritas, frutos secos…
  • Brújula.
  • Segunda capa térmica.
  • Mallas o pantalones largos o piratas combinados con perneras.
  • Gorra, tubular o similar que cubra toda la cabeza.
  • GPS que se puedan cargar mapas.
  • Altímetro.
  • Podómetro.
  • WC’s
  • Duchas
  • Vestuarios en la zona deportiva de Barruera
  • Avituallamiento a la llegada para todos los participantes al Rogaine Vall de Boí (3h) y al Rogaine familiar Vall de Boí (1h30min)
  • Plato de arroz o pasta para los participantes al Rogaine Vall de Boí (6h)






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